GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) CPO on “How is CSR impacting Procurement objectives?” In The Pharma Business Video Interview

June 30, 2016 EcoVadis

Jean-Yves Rotté-Geoffroy (CPO GlaxoSmithKline) Interview @ EcoVadis SustaIn Conference, April 2016 in Paris from EcoVadis on Vimeo.

This interview captures the thoughts of Jean-Yves Rotté-Geoffroy (CPO GlaxoSmithKline) just after he took part in a panel discussion at our Sustain 2016 event on “How is Corporate Social Responsibility impacting Procurement objectives?“.  Here Mr. Rotte-Geoffroy dives deeper into the program they’ve built:

“We are responsible for managing and selecting our suppliers and making sure that they are compliant with the values and business ethics that we represent” says Mr. Rotté-Geoffroy “We just completed a cycle of assessment of our 1300 business relationships with 3rd parties which we deemed to be the riskiest. We have now launched the second phase of our geographical roadmap starting with Mexico , Latin America, Asia, and ending with Europe and US”

UPDATE:  Mr. Rotté-Geoffroy gives a follow-on talk about of how GSK have scaled up and leveraged their CSR rating program to manage risk and consolidate their supply base. Check out the video here:


CPO Interactive Case Study – Bringing the Outside In: GSK Global Procurement Approach to Risk and Innovation


  • 6:55 –  “How are we going to manage risk with 75,000 suppliers/paying entities?” – Consolidate. 32 category councils. Choose don’t ‘inherit’
  • 12:30  managing the risk assessing suppliers  “Our first attempt was a total failure…  a cottage industry with each business unit developing supplier surveys, some up to 1000 questions”
  • 13:20  found the solution “a data-agile platform in the cloud”…