As the end of 2024 approaches, the European Union’s (EU) Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is set to usher in a new era of corporate transparency, impacting companies outside the EU.
2024 Sustainable Procurement Barometer
5 keys to accelerate compliance, resilience & scope 3 reduction
In 2024, EcoVadis ramped up its efforts to enhance living wage disclosure across global supply chains.
How are sustainability regulations impacting the Asia-Pacific region and what new regulatory initiatives are in the pipeline?
Are North American companies prepared to drive Scope 3 action? Discover how 3,000 companies are progressing on target-setting, emissions reporting and decarbonization efforts.
Celebrating progress that takes years to show.
The Sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity has provided a unique platform to showcase commitment in halting and reversing biodiversity loss.
As COP16 wraps up, the urgent need for business action on biodiversity loss, alongside climate change, takes center stage.
We look at how roughly 9,000 US companies with EcoVadis ratings measure up against our benchmarks and peers in North America and Europe.
Time is running out for global businesses to accelerate climate action and build low-carbon value chains. The 2024 Carbon Action Report analyzes progress made by companies in the EcoVadis network.
The new CBAM enhancement for the Carbon Action Manager helps companies seamlessly identify, assess, collect, collaborate, report and improve their carbon-related data across their supplier networks
Introducing the Carbon Estimator, a powerful addition to the Carbon Action Manager (CAM) that enhances how enterprise companies and their suppliers engage in decarbonization.
Importers into the EU of carbon-intensive goods have to report emissions embedded in their products, putting additional strains on industrial supply chains.
At EcoVadis, we believe the private sector has a critical role in mitigating the impacts of the climate crisis.
Taking an iterative approach to sustainable procurement can set up a virtuous cycle that drives value creation. That’s one of the key lessons from our most recent Sustainable Procurement Barometer.
An overwhelming amount of national elections were or still are scheduled for this year, with over 60 countries casting votes, promising a critical juncture for sustainability policies.
EU's CSRD is already having an impact on companies across the globe and US is no exception. In the long term, the directive is forecast to affect more than 3,000 US-based businesses.
Those who have invested in voluntary disclosure are seeing returns, as they are well-prepared for the new requirements.
EcoVadis announces the promotion of Nicole Sherwin to Chief Impact Officer, responsible for implementing best-in-class sustainability practices, orchestrating our Purpose Committee and ...
As a global leader in sustainable business practices, EcoVadis is committed to doing our part to limit global warming to the 1.5 threshold set by the Paris Agreement.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone involved in corporate sustainability, ESG efforts, or simply looking to understand how technology intersects with eco-conscious business practices.