Presentation: Cross Sector Initiatives Training on the Sector Initiative dashboards and Sector Initiative related platform features

February 7, 2024

Training on the utilization and interpretation of the metric dashboards available on our platform, in particular the:

  • Action Priority Dashboard
  • Sector Initiative Metrics component
  • General Metrics Dashboard and workflow
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Presentation: Cross Sector Initiatives Webinar: Why a new Scorecard?
Presentation: Cross Sector Initiatives Webinar: Why a new Scorecard?

Learn why EcoVadis will soon roll out a new version of the scorecard across the 100,000+ rated companies, h...

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SPLC Deep Dive Breakout Session: EcoVadis Carbon Action Module
SPLC Deep Dive Breakout Session: EcoVadis Carbon Action Module

Slides from September 10th demo of EcoVadis' Carbon Action Module