Sustainability Report 2023

June 5, 2024
This report, which covers our activity from January 1 to December 31, 2023, reflects our commitment to global best practice in sustainability reporting and communicates our progress on a series of key performance indicators aligned with frameworks like the United Nations Global Compact and GRI.
This report provides transparency on how we integrate sustainability into our own operations and across our supply chain including enhancing our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion, fair business practices and carbon management.

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Solution Spotlight: Integrating Sustainability Data into your Procurement Systems, featuring SAP
Solution Spotlight: Integrating Sustainability Data into your Procurement Systems, featuring SAP

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SPLC Webinar - Connecting the Dots: Sustainable Procurement, GRI Reporting and the EU CSRD
SPLC Webinar - Connecting the Dots: Sustainable Procurement, GRI Reporting and the EU CSRD

This webinar provided an overview of CSRD requirements (particularly for supply chain), its alignment to GR...