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[Supply Chain Sustainability School] Enhancing Supply Chain Value through the 'S' in ESG

July 26, 2024

The importance of ESG has never been more relevant for the industry. Sustainability issues, especially fair labour practices, societal well-being, aspects of diversity and inclusion, local community benefits, stakeholder engagement, and other social considerations, have become deeply embedded in our supply chains. This has spurred policymakers and regulators to design and implement a range of sustainability-related rules and disclosure requirements that affect businesses.

In this session we covered the ‘S’ of ESG including the current landscape, impact on businesses, what supply chain can do to navigate ESG through measurement and reporting.


  • Vaishali Baid, Social Value Lead, Action Sustainability
  • Hannah Roberts, Methodology and Research Manager - Labor and Human Rights, EcoVadis
  • Louis Brown, Account Executive, EcoVadis
  • Jarosław Plewniok, Procurement Manager – Supplier Capability & Development, NSG Group
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