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Spotlight 3: Cost Savings

July 9, 2020

Return on Sustainability Series

Studies have consistently shown that businesses are seeing an ROI from embedding sustainability practices into the procurement process. For instance, more than 50% of large businesses and 25% of their suppliers have seen cost savings as a result of their carbon management activities. 

Part of the Return on Sustainability Series, this ebook draws on research, including BCI Supply Chain Resilience Report 2018 and work by NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business and explores ways in which cost savings can be realized from sustainability programs -- and effectively quantified.

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Spotlight 4: Credible Brand Differentiation
Spotlight 4: Credible Brand Differentiation

Sustainable practices in the supply chain and beyond result in ROI through credible brand differentiation c...

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Spotlight 2: Improved Procurement Metrics
Spotlight 2: Improved Procurement Metrics

Companies find that solid sustainable procurement programs help improve traditional procurement metrics and...