The UK Modern Slavery Act consolidates existing offenses of human trafficking and slavery, encompassing all forms of exploitation. All businesses that carry out business in the UK need to provide transparency on their supply chains and prepare an annual statement on slavery and human trafficking. Such a statement needs to detail what steps a company takes to ensure no exploitation occurs within its lines of business or its supply chain. Although there is no financial penalty for non-compliance, the Secretary of State can seek an injunction requiring the company to file the statement.
EcoVadis Sustainability Intelligence Suite, backed by experience with regulatory due diligence requirements, such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD), the French Devoir de Vigilance or the German Supply Chain Act, provides a holistic approach to addressing due diligence requirements in the supply chain. The snapshot offers a simple guide to how it can help address specific demands outlined in the UK Modern Slavery Act.