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Embedding Sustainability within ERP Processes and Beyond

March 26, 2024

This session explores how integrating sustainability into enterprise resource planning processes can help your company unlock value. It covers strategies for embedding ESG principles into core business operations and decision-making processes, helping drive sustainable practices throughout the organization and its supply chain.

Speakers: Paul Pelissier, Global Sustainability Principal, SAP

Emily Rakowski, Chief Marketing Officer, EcoVadis

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Welcome to the Morning of Day 2, Sustain 2024
Welcome to the Morning of Day 2, Sustain 2024

Emily Rakowski, Chief Marketing Officer at EcoVadis, opens day two of Sustain 2024, reflecting on the previ...

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Welcome to the Afternoon of Day 2, Sustain 2024
Welcome to the Afternoon of Day 2, Sustain 2024