EcoVadis Carbon Solution for Rated Companies [B2B Sustainability Forum Northern Europe]
An update on the EcoVadis Carbon Solution from Julia Salant, Head of Sustainability Innovation, EcoVadis
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An update on the EcoVadis Carbon Solution from Julia Salant, Head of Sustainability Innovation, EcoVadis
Lors de ce webinaire, nous passons en revue : La plateforme EcoVadis Les méthodes d'invitation : Lien d'invitation, Annuaire Les meilleures pratiques pour engager vos partenaires Et nous rép
Este webinário incluirá: Navegação da plataforma EcoVadis e métodos de convite para a avaliação Recomendações e melhores práticas para engajar seus parceiros para participarem da avaliação Tem
In den Webinaren werden wir folgendes besprechen: Die EcoVadis IQ Plus Plattform Einladungen: Ratings und Vitals Best Practices Und wir beantworten Ihre Fragen live!
In the webinar, we will review: The EcoVadis platform Invitations: Sustainability Ratings & Vitals Best practices for partners engagement And we will answer your questions live!
In this webinar, we will review: The EcoVadis Dashboards Best practices
In this webinar, we will bring to you: The new releases and improvements for the Corrective Action Plan feature Live Platform Demo of the improved CAP How to request corrective actions And w
Watch the recording of our insightful fireside chat with Martyna Wojciechowska (EcoVadis) and Patrik Åslin (Handelsbanken) as they discuss the evolving ESG regulatory landscape and its impact on procu
In this webinar, we will review: The EcoVadis platform: CAM functionalities Best practices for partners engagement Bring your questions related to the Carbon Action Manager for us to answer li
In this webinar, we will review: How to handle and reply to objections from invited partners Best practices to engage partners and convince them to get assessed Bring your questions and/or exa
With the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) coming into effect, companies are under increasing pressure to accurately report and reduce carbon emissions across their supply chains.
This welcome presentation in New York served as a warm opening for participants, setting an enthusiastic tone for the day. In this brief session, attendees were welcomed and guided through the event's
Richard Eyram, Chief Customer Officer, EcoVadis shares EcoVadis’ vision for the future Speakers: Richard Eyram, Chief Customer Officer, EcoVadis
Find out what's coming up next from the EcoVadis Sustainability Intelligence Suite. Speakers: Meena Hans, VP, Solutions and Customer Marketing Aidan Tyson, Senior Sustainability Solution Consultant
In this keynote session, Professor Tensie Whelan, the Founding Director of the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business presents the ROSI Framework, designed to unlock value and embed sustainability
During this executive customer panel, Hamzah Abu-Raghen, Director, Sustainable Sourcing, Aramark & Avendra Group, Ashley Rubinsky, Senior Manager, Sustainability, Lockheed Martin (IAEG), and James
In this executive customer panel, Alexander Shockley, Director, Responsible Sourcing & Sustainability, Hilton, Sarah Fox, Manager, Supplier Sustainability, Johnson & Johnson, and Jesus Sanchez
Gain a deeper understanding of how to proactively manage supply chain risks and leverage EcoVadis to streamline compliance efforts across diverse regulatory frameworks.
Julia Salant, General Manager, Carbon chats with Olaf Stange, Supplier Decarbonisation Lead as he shares key strategies, challenges, and successes in reducing Scope 3 emissions.
This welcome presentation in London served as a warm opening for participants, setting an enthusiastic tone for the day. In this brief session, attendees were welcomed and guided through the event's a