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Toward Sustainable Public Procurement

January 12, 2022

Integrating supplier sustainability ratings is a critically important aspect of sustainable public procurement.

This eBook examines the best practices of procurement organizations in the public sector that have reevaluated their programs entirely in order to practice sustainable public procurement. 

Five key elements stand out that help industry leaders shift the focus of their programs to a performance mindset that engages suppliers in long-term sustainable public procurement.

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Sustainability Clauses in Commercial Contracts: The Key to Corporate Responsibility
Sustainability Clauses in Commercial Contracts: The Key to Corporate Responsibility

Practical overview embedding sustainability criteria into contracts with trading partners, with a framework...

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CSR Clauses in Contracts [Infographic]
CSR Clauses in Contracts [Infographic]

Infographic that breaks down the EcoVadis study around CSR contractual practices among buyers and suppliers.

2024 Sustainable Procurement Barometer

Transforming Procurement into a Strategic Sustainability & Resilience Partner

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