#UnitingBusiness: Jean-Pascal Tricoire, CEO Schneider Electric

May 5, 2020

Check out this video testimonial by Jean-Pascal Tricoire, CEO Schneider Electric, responding to the current crisis:

"This crisis brings us back together much closer to our larger ecosystem: Our partners, our suppliers and the communities around us. It creates bonds of solidarity and cooperation that did not exist before! These relationships, links and new ways of working and collaborating will be a new force when we recover, when we come out of the crisis. I am personally convinced that, thanks to everyone's efforts, we will be able to come out of this crisis together ... and we shall come out of that stronger together."


Discover all the videos on the dedicated page: CEOs Taking Action

The United Nations Global Compact invites CEOs of companies around the world to share their responses to this unprecedented crisis on video, in French or English that's up to three minutes long and addresses three stages of dealing with the crisis: Response-Recovery-Resilience

  • RESPONSE: What immediate challenges does COVID-19 present to your workforce, community, and business?
  • RECOVERY: What are you doing to ensure long-term business continuity and economic recovery?
  • RESILIENCE: What is the best way to build resilience?

To participate, click here : https://app.videopeel.com/k8ago0d3

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