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EcoVadis Ratings Methodology Overview and Principles

June 17, 2023 EcoVadis EN

This document provides an overview of the rating methodology, seven founding principles, and process EcoVadis uses including:

  • Seven management principles;
  • 21 sustainability criteria across four themes (environment, labor & human rights, ethics, sustainable procurement);
  • Data collection and rating process;
  • The diversity of data sources used, including customer-provided documentation, relevant third-party endorsements (certifications, labels, etc.) and 360° Watch external stakeholder inputs (more than 100,000 sources of monitoring, news, watchlists, etc.); and
  • The use of technology and sustainability expert analysis.

This document is available in the following languages: 

Chinese (ZH)Japanese (JA)Portuguese (PT)Russian (RU)Dutch (NL)Vietnamese (VT)Thai (TH)Korean (KO)Turkish (TR)Arabic (AR)

About the Author

EcoVadis EN

EcoVadis is a purpose-driven company whose mission is to provide the world's most trusted business sustainability ratings. Businesses of all sizes rely on EcoVadis’ expert intelligence and evidence-based ratings to manage risk and compliance, drive decarbonization, and improve the sustainability performance of their business and value chain. Its AI-powered risk mapping, actionable scorecards, benchmarks, carbon action tools, and insights guide a resilience and improvement journey for environmental, social and ethical practices across 200 industry categories and 175 countries.

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