[CIPS MENA] From Goals to Results: How to Operationalize Sustainable Procurement in Your Enterprise

November 29, 2022

Most enterprise procurement teams today are setting ambitious sustainability goals. And it’s a step in the right direction, but getting from goals to real results is the challenge.

Aligning internal stakeholders and external suppliers on a common framework is tough and can easily fall short if not diligently tracked and executed.

You need a plan to ensure the successful integration of sustainable procurement into your enterprise’s DNA. While suppliers are integral to the effort, some of the biggest hurdles could be in your own enterprise.

On the Agenda:

  • Establishing a procurement framework that incentivizes sustainable sourcing
  • Creating metrics and supplier qualification tools to track performance
  • Collaborating with suppliers to improve sustainability compliance and position for the future


  • Antoine Martin-Regniault, Strategic Account Executive, EcoVadis
  • Abdel Halim Ahmed, Regional Head - Middle East, Africa & Turkey, GEP
  • Natalie Henfrey, Director - Consulting, GEP
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