Norway Transparency Act: Regulatory Snapshot

May 11, 2023

Sustainability considerations, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, are now at the center stage of policy making. And national and regional laws that companies need to comply with are becoming increasingly stricter. For those operating under multiple jurisdictions, the task is potentially more difficult, as, despite many similarities, there are also significant differences between them. But even companies operating in countries with no specific sustainability-related regulations are likely to be affected – if their customers or trading partners are based in countries with strict due diligence laws, it’s likely they also have to comply with those requirements. So the best course of action is to understand the key requirements driven by specific regulations and adopt a recognized solution that will tackle them holistically.

EcoVadis Sustainability Intelligence Suite, backed by experience with regulatory due diligence requirements, such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD), the French Devoir de Vigilance or the German Supply Chain Act, provides a holistic approach to addressing due diligence requirements in the supply chain. The snapshot offers a simple guide to how it can help address specific demands outlined in the Norwegian Transparency Act.

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