EcoVadis is pleased to announce the release of our first-ever annual Activity Report on our business. In the year of our 10th anniversary, this report shares some important milestones achieved in 2016. It also provides some perspectives of EcoVadis’ growth over 10 years in key areas including customers, employees, coverage, and other metrics of our business and operational output.
“Despite being a year that brought unsettling uncertainties, 2016 was a record year for the growth of sustainable procurement. This year is also very special for EcoVadis: We are 10 years old, and what an adventure it has been! Looking back, it’s hard to believe 10 years have passed since we first sketched out the EcoVadis business plan. We are first of all grateful this incredible journey has taken us this far. We want to share with you in this Activity Report an update on our industry, our offerings, some important milestones achieved in our growth, and our vision for the future.
On one hand, the US presidential election challenged the sustainability community to keep steadfast in our goals. And yet by the end of the COP22 conference 111 nations had ratified the climate change agreement — far exceeding the 55 needed. China reaffirmed its commitments to emissions reductions, and the United Nations launched its 12 Sustainable Development Goals, with a strong call to private sector companies to play a pivotal role in driving progress towards those goals…”