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Spend Matters Vendor Analysis: Technology Review

December 15, 2021

As popular understanding of the climate crisis and a range of correlational social inequalities has, in recent years, grown exponentially, sustainability has risen to the summit of the executive agenda. But although today’s most progressive business leaders are clear in their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), many struggle with the practicalities of implementing and monitoring sustainable reforms, particularly when it comes to engaging suppliers in an effort to cascade positive impact through the value chain. For when you get down to it, how exactly do you define sustainability and responsibility? How do you measure it? And how do you know whether your performance against those measurements is good or bad, especially when requirements for sustainable business practice vary so widely across regions and industries? 


This Vendor Analysis provides clarity on such questions, outlining how EcoVadis can support your business in accurately measuring and reporting on the sustainability of your internal operations, as well as that of your supply chain, to maximize return on investment. It dives deep into the operation of the EcoVadis ratings methodology, examines the strengths and weaknesses of a range of EcoVadis solutions, and concludes with an examination of how EcoVadis’s service offering compares against that of its competitors.



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