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CSDDD: What You Need to Know Today

March 26, 2024

This session provides expert insights into the role of the CSDDD in corporate sustainability and why your company should embark on its supply chain due diligence journey now – even if you're not yet within the directive's scope.


  • Farid Baddache, CEO, Ksapa
  • Greta Koch, Policy adviser to Axel Voss MEP, European Parliament

« Companies are faced with a mosaic of converging injunctions to recognize and better manage their impacts on human rights throughout their operations and value chains. The CS3D is a simplification tool on 3 levels. Firstly, it goes beyond regulatory initiatives to clarify what is expected of each company. Secondly, as a regulatory tool, the CS3D ensures that, over the long term, each company contributes at its own level, rather than placing the burden on the most committed. Lastly, it is consistent with the work carried out within the CSRD impact materiality framework to reduce duplication of effort. » Farid Baddache, CEO, Ksapa

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