CSR Pilot Training in Shanghai, China

September 10, 2012 EcoVadis

EcoVadis held last week in Shanghai (China) its first CSR pilot training between clients and suppliers.

The workshop was first undertaken by a significant group of multinational companies such as Air Liquide, Albea, Alstom, Alcatel Lucent or Shell, which had the intention of collaborating with their suppliers to improve CSR performance. With this in mind, multinationals invited around 50 suppliers to the pilot training. The event was managed by CSR experts from EcoVadis and Verité – an independent not-for-profit social auditing, training and research organization with the general goal of ensuring that people remain under safe, fair and legal working conditions worldwide.

The team in charge of the one-day pilot training was composed of Ms. Yao Wenjuan (Verité China director), Ms. Della Feng (Verité China Training Program Manager), and Ms. Ying Luo (CSR analyst from EcoVadis). The value of the training lied in the interactive discussion which enabled suppliers to have a deep understanding on the CSR expectations from their clients. In addition, suppliers found out how to implement practical solutions in order to meet clients’ necessities and achieve a better CSR performance. As a result of the hard commitment from EcoVadis and Verité, participants appreciated the whole program and specially enjoyed the vivid case study; they are now hoping to attend more hands-on trainings in the future.

A continuous communication across companies is essential to ensure that best CSR practices are shared among suppliers. This first session will help EcoVadis to define the framework for a longer term suppliers training program, which we intend to deploy in China, but also in other key countries for our customers.

This article was written by Ms. Ying Luo, CSR Analyst at EcoVadis

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