New Partnership: EcoVadis CSR Ratings Integrated to Pool4Tool Procurement Software

September 29, 2015 EcoVadis

At EcoVadis, we have know that although bringing reliable sustainability ratings on Suppliers is an essential part of reducing risk and diving improvement and innovation with suppliers, alone it’s not enough to effect transformational change in a complex procurement organization. The other key element to driving a responsible procurement program to success is adoption by the team, and integration into their processes and workflow. One of the best ways to do this is by integrating the ratings, scorecards and functionality into the software systems already being used by the procurement team. With this in mind, the EcoVadis platform has a powerful API that enables integration with our external partners who create these procurement and supplier relationship software solutions.

We are pleased to welcome POOL4TOOL to our list of partners.  Through this partnership, the EcoVadis social, ethical and environmental ratings of suppliers are incorporated into the processes of the POOL4TOOL “All-in-One Supply Collaboration” platform. This enables our customers to incorporate these meaningful indicators of sustainability performance directly into their decisions, supplier management and procurement processes.

You can read the full press release here.

Are you interested in integrating easy-to-read CSR indicators into your procurement processes?

Click here to contact us for more information, a quote, or demonstration.

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