Infographic: Business Sustainability Risk and Performance Index 4th Edition (2015-2019)

July 29, 2020

Insights from Global Supply Chain Ratings

This infographic features key findings from the fourth edition of the Sustainability Risk and Performance Index: Insights from Global Supply Chain Ratings, which illustrates the sustainability performance of over 40,000 companies worldwide rated by EcoVadis across 2015-2019.

It includes an analysis of results by sustainability theme (Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement) as well as performance by industry and region. 

It also includes highlights from this year’s special sustainability spotlights: 

A deep-dive into greenhouse gas emissions and carbon reporting, a report on chemical companies and a study of health crisis preparedness during COVID-19.

This infographic is also available in German, French, Spanish and Italian with additional regional insights.

Read the full Business Sustainability Risk and Performance Index 2021: Insights from Global Supply Chain Ratings 

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