Signing Up for Transparency: EcoVadis Adopts the Code of Conduct for ESG Evaluation and Data Providers in Japan
EcoVadis is pleased to announce its endorsement of the Code of Conduct for ESG Evaluation and Data Providers established by the local regulator, the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA), in December 2022.
Japan's voluntary code of conduct includes provisions requiring providers to inform companies about the information used to construct the ESG ratings and data products. It also sets forth guidelines for managing conflicts of interest and ensuring transparency in ratings methodologies.
EcoVadis fully supports voluntary initiatives that aim to enhance industry standards for transparency, quality and integrity in the ESG ratings and data products market. The endorsement of the FSA's initiative follows EcoVadis’ adoption of the Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data providers published by ICMA, with the first statement of application issued in October 2024.