Forum: How business can better manage human rights risks in the supply chain

October 20, 2016 David McClintock

Innovation Forum event 24th-25th October 2016, London:

How business can better manage human rights risks

What does ethical trade, modern slavery and forced labour mean for managers and boards?

This two-day conference is designed to provide companies with leading insight and training on how they can best engage and manage human rights risks in their operations and supply chain.

EcoVadis Vice-President, Wim Peeters, will be joining the debates and discussions at the event, bringing EcoVadis’ perspective on using supplier CSR ratings to as a key element of a human rights due diligence framework for the supply chain. Contact us here if you would like to connect or arrange a meeting with Wim.

Learn more and register 

The conference will provide guidance to business practitioners on how to:

  • Comply – and go beyond – the Modern Slavery Act – learn how to produce a credible modern slavery statement, what to do in case of a discovered case of slavery and how to engage senior management on the issue
    Frame an effective due diligence approach that can adapt to changing expectations and different human rights challenges
  • Map your supply chain for human rights risks – understand how to look more deeply into your supply chain to identify and mitigate risks more efficiently
  • Build effective grievance mechanisms and worker engagement that help you to unearth risks early
    Understand the role of whistle-blowers and activist in supporting your effort human rights effort and the values of your business
  • Engage with migrant worker issues – understand the implications for business operations from the growing refugee crisis and how to respond
  • Understand how to create a remediation program – hear how best to respond to uncovered egregious practices with child and forced labour
  • Learn the implications of the changing legal environment – understand how disclosure rules and legal liabilities are evolving in different jurisdictions and what it means for your business

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