Launch of the EcoVadis Sustainability Intelligence Suite

April 22, 2019 EcoVadis EN

To facilitate the evaluation and management of supplier risk across the entire supply base, EcoVadis customers will soon be able to benefit from EcoVadis IQ, the new risk mapping tool available later this year. Based on the extensive EcoVadis database, this tool continuously screens the supply chain and maps a company’s supplier risk across all key sustainability criteria. Especially procurement, risk and compliance teams will be able to leverage these insights to inform their strategy.

About the Author

EcoVadis EN

EcoVadis is a purpose-driven company dedicated to embedding sustainability intelligence into every business decision worldwide. We offer a full range of solutions including IQ-Plus Risk & Compliance Management, EcoVadis Ratings, and Carbon Action Module for Scope 3 Decarbonization. Key features like 360/Live News Monitoring, Academy E-learning and Corrective action plans help companies comply with ESG regulations, reduce GHG emissions, and improve the sustainability performance of their business and value chain across 250 industries in 185 countries.

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