Volunteering After Hours: EcoVadians Support Innovative Solutions Against GHG Emissions

August 17, 2023 EcoVadis EN

We exist to help global business be more sustainable, ethical and responsible. We drive positive impact and scalable change. And, we walk the talk in our team. 

The paragraph above is one of EcoVadis’ six core values - Make sustainability real. Some of our employees, apart from their work at EcoVadis, volunteer after hours as well.

There are numerous areas of sustainability, such as carbon and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It’s a particularly relevant topic for EcoVadians right now, as we see a growing demand from our customers in carbon accounting, and of course more and more regulations in that area as well. 

Laura Lemonnier, Account Manager, based in Berlin and Quentin Fornezzo, Methodology and Research Analyst (Carbon), based in Paris, zoom in on Team for the Planet (TftP), a non-profit organization they volunteer at.


Laura joined TfTP in 2020 and helped the movement to spread in Germany.

What does Team for the Planet do exactly? 

Team for the Planet sets itself one challenge: detect and deploy 100 global innovations against greenhouse gas emissions, through an open-source model, meaning that these innovations will be available to anyone: now is not the time for competition, but for cooperation! 

In 3 years, it has become the largest crowdfunding movement in Europe, having gathered over 23 million euros, and already financed 5 innovations. 

You may have heard about ‘Beyond the Sea’ - this particular innovation project received one million euros from Team for the Planet to further develop its solution to improve energy efficiency of transportation and logistics worldwide. The project is to haul merchant ships thanks to a kite surfing technology, using wind as the only source of energy. 

How can you become part of the Team for the Planet?

You can have 3 different roles to support and participate in TftP’s actions:

  • Shareholder: by making a donation (starting from 1 euro), which also gives you the possibility to vote for the selected innovations TftP will finance next -  learn more
  • Assessor: by pre-selecting the innovations ideas; there are  20 areas of focus identified to fight GHG emissions - learn more
  • Volunteer: by helping the project during your free time e.g. translating the website in different languages, representing TftP in special events, etc. learn more


Quentin joined TfTP in 2020 and participated in several innovations assessment campaigns. 

What is your job as an innovation assessor? 

Leveraging its vast network of shareholders, Team for the Planet offers several ways to volunteer. One of them is to give opinion on innovations. And that’s what I do.

Low GHG emissions or GHG reduction ideas are submitted by entrepreneurs to the 7000+ assessors. The innovations are evaluated based on several criteria: GHG impact, externalities, scalability potential, maturity and fit to open source model. What’s great is that your level of expertise doesn’t matter, everyone can become an assessor and provide support in the pre-selection process of innovations! 

After this first step, the TftP’s Scientific Committee decides whether to move forward with the short-listed innovations. Consisting of brilliant scientists’ and entrepreneurs’ minds, the Committee meets quarterly to decide on the innovations to be funded.  

Action is the best way forward and it’s so refreshing to discover innovative ideas that are awaiting to scale up!

For more information about Team for the Planet visit team-planet.com/en.

To find out more about life at EcoVadis, our values, perks that we offer, and current job opportunities visit ecovadis.com/careers.

About the Author

EcoVadis EN

EcoVadis is a purpose-driven company dedicated to embedding sustainability intelligence into every business decision worldwide. We offer a full range of solutions including IQ-Plus Risk & Compliance Management, EcoVadis Ratings, and Carbon Action Module for Scope 3 Decarbonization. Key features like 360/Live News Monitoring, Academy E-learning and Corrective action plans help companies comply with ESG regulations, reduce GHG emissions, and improve the sustainability performance of their business and value chain across 250 industries in 185 countries.

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